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Little More House

Little More House comprises three pitched pavilions connected by walkways and glazing and one concrete flat roof pavilion where secret doors and windows can be opened to create a free flowing home connecting to the various outdoor living spaces. Or close up areas of the home to create separated cocoons. It is a home that is ever adapting to the life of those who live there. 

Little More House challenges the norm, it is a cleverly designed home that is modest in size for relaxed family living with beautiful fixtures and fittings. A house that is well considered, to combat the impact building has on the environment and continual price rises. As houses get bigger and bigger our impact on the environment grows, not only during construction but also with the ongoing running of these home. Little More House utilises passive house principles and material choices have been made in relation to sustainability and ethical production.

Builder: Loreco Constructions    Architect: MEGArchitects    Landscape: Loam

Interior Design: Kim Kneipp x Sawsee   Photography: Willem-Dirk du Toit

Featured on The Design Files,  The Local Project, Kip & Co, Co-Architecture

In print - Enki Magazine June2024 vol60, Habitus Magazine June2024

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